A domain name is a unique name that represents your product or service online. e.g hostnownow.com
Domains are usually registered for a specific period of time, and if not renewed on time, they expire. As a domain registrant, it is important to understand the life cycle of a domain as it keeps you informed of what happens when a domain name expires.
Stage 1: New Domain Registration
The life cycle of a domain begins with its availability. Once you have chosen a domain name, you can check if it is available for registration on whois.com or using our checker below
Stage 2: Active
If your selected domain is available, you may purchase it, and its status will be changed to “Active”. A domain can be registered for a year or for as long as the domain registrar allows. After your subscription expires, you must renew the domain in order to maintain ownership.
Stage 3: Domain Expiration & Grace Period
If a domain is not renewed, its status changes to "Expired" a day after its expiration date. When a domain expires, the website and email addresses linked with it cease to function.
Upon expiration, you have a grace period of 30 days to renew the domain at the usual renewal price.
Stage 4: Redemption
After the grace period of 30 days, the expired domain enters the redemption period; also referred to as the redemption grace period, and this lasts for 30 days. Renewal of a domain name during this time frame comes at an additional cost. The charge is determined by the TLD and registrar.
Stage 5: Pending Deletion
Once the redemption period ends, your domain enters the pending deletion stage; this time lasts between 5-10 days, and you have no alternative but to wait until the domain name has been deleted and made available for registration before repurchasing it.
P.S.- Remember that once a domain is made available for registration, anyone can purchase it, thus it is recommended to renew your domain name before it expires to prevent losing it.
After the pending deletion stage, the domain name goes through stages 1 to 5 again.
Image source: www.webdew.com
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